The Lead Out, #001 – About getting older, staying fit and actionable health data

As I’m getting older (I’m almost 37, and getting closer to 40), I’m starting to focus more on health and fitness. And since I have read Outlive, a book about “the science and art of longevity”, I have been sucked down an internet rabbit hole of “old and fit” stories.

Hi there! 👋🏻

This is the first edition of The Lead Out, a newsletter for subscribers. It contains a bunch of carefully curated links, covering all kinds of cycling related topics, and lands in your inbox every two weeks, on Saturday morning.

If you’d like to receive it too, subscribe to Pédaleuse.


As I’m getting older (I’m almost 37, and getting closer to 40), I’m starting to focus more on health and fitness. And since I have read Outlive, a book about “the science and art of longevity” (which you should definitely read too) and did some research about the topic, I have been sucked down an internet rabbit hole of “old and fit” stories. It’s been quite interesting, though, so I’ll share some of the things I read.

Also, I’m a bit obsessed with gathering health data and I’ve been wondering how I can make it more actionable. Then these small fitness trackers – from a company called Whoop – started showing up everywhere: professional athletes wear them, and several YouTubers I’m following wear them too – even alongside their smart watch, so that made me wonder. From what I can see the Whoop’s added value is in giving you useful insights you can act upon, based on the data gathered. Seems like something I definitely need to try. If you have one, let me how it works for you. A reply to this email will go straight to my inbox.

See you for the next one!