Welcome to pedaleuse.com

Welcome to pedaleuse.com! Short intro: I’m Pédaleuse. I bought my first race bike in 2016 and started cycling whenever I felt like it. I love to ride, though (oh, that feeling of freedom!), preferably on my own and at my own pace, and the more adventurous, the better.

Welcome to pedaleuse.com

Hi! 👋🏻

Welcome to pedaleuse.com!

Short intro: I’m Pédaleuse. I bought my first race bike in 2016 and started cycling whenever I felt like it – I’d go all in for a while, and then leave my bike to gather dust for a few months (or even years). I love to ride, though (oh, that feeling of freedom!), preferably on my own and at my own pace, and the more adventurous, the better. I dream of bikepacking adventures in faraway countries, but for now cycling is just a means to stay fit. (If you’d like to find out more, this is my origin story.)

Pedaleuse.com has been mine for a long time. It hosted a blog once before, but I took it offine because I didn’t have the time to keep it going. This is the second attempt. I’m not sure what this will turn out to be yet, but these topics will definitely be covered:

  • cycling (duh!);
  • maybe some stuff about other sports (but only occasionally);
  • sports and technology,
  • health and fitness in general,
  • healthy food – focusing on a plant-based diet.

I’d like to experiment with short posts, longer articles and a newsletter (subscribe here), with a mix of personal experiences (cycling adventures, things I learned, discovered, or tested,…) and interesting things I found elsewhere.
